About Us

Our Team

We’d like to introduce ourselves to you! We are fellow players as well!

Jessica Amber


John Smith


Mara Nicholas


Magic: the Gathering is a card game that has been around since 1993. It was invented by Richard Garfield. The game has had a constant problem of there not being affordable enough cards for everyone to enjoy it. We aim to fix that problem.

Our professional quality MTG Proxy trading cards are the perfect solution for your deck building needs. Be it a Commander deck that needs a Mox Diamond to be completed or perhaps you have a Modern list and you just can’t afford those fetch lands to top it off. POW! We’re here for you with affordable professional quality MTG proxies that will let you finish off that deck you’ve been working on for so long.

Our Company

We are a family owned and family oriented business. We understand the important place that sitting around a kitchen table and sharing some quality time with family and friends has in your life. We wouldn’t want to see that experience limited by the lack of availability of the cards you need to finish off your decks. We here you, and we are here for you.

Interested? Pow! Shop Now!

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